

- Common model for participatory management and monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services in selected marine coastal areas (BLUE LANDS)

-   New ICT products for monitoring and information activities

-   Activation of BLUE LAND pilot initiatives  in Italy, Albania, Montenegro




The Blue Land Geoportal is web-based portal for interactive visualization of the spatial data collected in the lifespan of the Project and organized in a common spatial infrastructure. The tool combines Geographic Information Science (GIS) principles and tools to harmonize a relatively large and multi-dimensional datasets, including several themes:

- Administrative units

- Monitoring facilities and observations

- Habitats and biotopes

- Biodiversity

- Protection and conservation

- Spatial management and planning

- Facilities utilities and public services

- Resource exploitation

- Natural system modification

- Geographycal features (Hydrography, Hydrology, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics, Elevation, Environmental variables)

- Socieconomics.

The tool combines intelligent web maps with graphs, charts, tables, and text to unlock, making accessible and re-usable the data relevant for the governance of marine and coastal resources and fostering the involvement of local communities in biodiversity protection.

The geoportal hosts large scale data (South Adriatic Sea) and fine scale data for the three localities, which are the pilot areas of the project: Ada Bojana (Montenegro), Porto Palermo (Albania) and Tricase (Italy).


Go to Blue Land Geoportal

See the demo




GISPORT is one of the outputs of the Blue Land project that defines a new approach to the governance of marine and coastal resources as it promotes mechanisms for the direct involvement of local communities in land management and protection of biodiversity.

The local community is to become part of the BLUE LAND through the acquisition of specific skills within nature protection and conservation actions, and by collaborating actively, via in-loco actions.


Go to Blue Land App